Programi i granteve të Norvegjisë për shoqëri civile në Kosovë dhe Shqipëri

Grantistët e Programit të shoqërisë civile për Shqipërinë dhe Kosovën

Grantistët e Programit NOR
Emri i organizatës Titulli Shuma (në euro) Kohëzgjatja (në muaj) Viti i fillimit Rajoni Programi
Network of Peace Movement (NOPM ) "“Strengthening the integrity of youth and civil servants to fight corruption at the local level”" € 25,610.09 12 2021 Kosovë NOR
Teach For Kosova (TK) "Young Leaders for Education" € 27,682.74 12 2021 Kosovë NOR
BONEVET Prishtina "STEM Education for All " € 29,727.64 12 2021 Kosovë NOR
Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC) "Enhancing Institutional Response to Corruption in northern Kosovo " € 26,483.70 12 2021 Kosovë NOR
Civil Rights Program Kosovo (CRPK) "“Increasing the capacities of the local authorities and minority communities’ members to identify, report and treat discriminatory practices in Kosovo”" € 29,970.99 12 2021 Kosovë NOR
Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS) "Boosting Citizen Activism in Environmental Reforms through an Active Civil Society" € 26,848.80 12 2021 Kosovë NOR
"Fondacioni BONEVET Gjakovë (BONEVET) Fondacioni Bonevet Kaçanik (BONEVET Kaçanik)" “BONEVET – Education without barriers” € 27,662.00 12 2020 Kosovë NOR
Balkan Sunflowers Kosova (BSFK) “Learning Centers path to inclusion of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities” € 32,560.00 12 2020 Kosovë NOR
Crno beli svet "Fact-check it out" € 32,767.00 16 2020 Kosovë NOR
Democracy Plus (D+) "Exercising public pressure and exposing potential corruption in four non-majority municipalities through active monitoring and comparison in their decision-making and citizen inclusion͟" € 32,653.88 12 2020 Kosovë NOR
DokuFest ͞Film and Factual Media: Educating 4 Equality" € 31,435.00 13 2020 Kosovë NOR
Fondacioni Jeshil “Let’s Talk About Food Waste” € 27,016.88 12 2020 Kosovë NOR
Fondacioni Shtatëmbëdhjetë (17) "Point of View II" € 33,347.00 12 2020 Kosovë NOR
Initiative for Kosova Community IKC "Go Green In Agriculture" € 31,921.50 12 2020 Kosovë NOR
Internews Kosova “Fact-Checking Municipal Promises” € 28,722.00 14 2020 Kosovë NOR
Institute for Development Policy (INDEP) "Informed citizenry, independent monitoring and cross-institutional coordination for evidence based environmental policy in Kosovo" € 32,710.00 12 2020 Kosovë NOR
Lëvizja FOL "Whistleblower, the law protects you" € 31,690.00 12 2020 Kosovë NOR
BIRN Kosovo "Fact-checking for Accountable Media" € 32,870.00 15 2019 Kosovë NOR
Kosovar Institute for Policy Research and Development - KIPRED "Increasing accountability and capacities of the Kosovo institutions for implementing the SAA related EU requirement on gender quality" € 38,790.49 14 2019 Kosovë NOR
Organizata per rritjen e cilesise ne arsim - ORCA "Fighting corruption in Kosovo highter education" € 36,520.00 12 2019 Kosovë NOR
Safe House - Gjakova "Promoting gender balance, through economic empowerment and prepetrator rehabilitation" € 38,722.00 12 2019 Kosovë NOR
Organizata kosovare per talent dhe arsim - TOKA "Diversity in Action - for youth,by youth" € 38,615.00 12 2019 Kosovë NOR
EC ma ndryshe "ECO School" € 38,820.00 12 2019 Kosovë NOR
Riinvest Institute for Development Research "Bussiness Anti-Corruption Code and Coalition (BACC)" € 34,005.00 12 2019 Kosovë NOR
GAIA "Climate for Change" € 34,502.00 12 2019 Kosovë NOR
Kosovo glocal (Kosovo 2.0) "Enhancing the bridge between media and citizens" € 38,834.95 8 2019 Kosovë NOR
Qendra e kujdesit ditor - PEMA "Transforming the lives of children with disabilities in Kosovo" € 38,834.95 12 2019 Kosovë NOR