EJA Kosovo

Engagement for Joint Action (EJA Kosovo) is a KCSF program that supports civil society initiatives through grants and capacity building with the overall aim to contribute meaningfully to the democratic and socio-economic development of Kosovo. Designed as a pooled funding mechanism, EJA Kosovo is currently co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Sweden.

Centering citizen engagement and participation in the work of civil society, EJA Kosovo aims to contribute towards two main objectives (a) Increasing civic engagement in public life through participatory advocacy of civil society and (b) Enabling CSOs to strengthen their constituency relations and improve their organizational capacities.

EJA Kosovo is based on the premise that through tailor-made systems of inclusiveness, transparency and accountability on the one hand, and better access and communication with the community, on the other hand, CSOs by involving citizens in their work, can build a stronger and more engaged base of support. This strengthens their constituency and allows them to better represent the needs and concerns of the community. Together with improved internal governance, transparency, and citizen engagement, it will contribute to increased public trust in CSOs, and citizens come to see civil society as a legitimate and effective platform for raising concerns and advocating for change.

Latest News from EJA Kosovo

Open Calls EJA Kosovo


Frequently Asked Questions

Grants Beneficiaries - EJA Kosovo

Key Documents

Guidelines for Applicants

Formulari i ankesës për grante

Communication and visibility - N/A

Implementation and reporting for grantees - N/A

Frequently Asked Questions


1.Do you have a budget template, or are we supposed to work in the format we usually use so that this also enters the evaluation and potential area for development? 

Yes, you should use the proposed budget template that is part of the EJA Kosovo online application system. This template is designed to ensure uniformity and ease in evaluating applications. The templates, in addition to the online system, can be found on our website, at the link: Organizational Development Grants – KCSF. 

2. When you say that we must demonstrate that we have the capacity to manage the project, please provide information on how to demonstrate this – through a preliminary budget and any other form of demonstrating these capacities? If there are others, please list them. 

Management capacity can be demonstrated through several elements such as a preliminary budget, supporting documents including annual financial statements and audit reports (if the applicant is legally obliged to have them), organizational structure – explanation of the internal control mechanisms, governance and financial management of the organization, history of previous projects. 

3. Does this grant envisage the start of a new activity for the organization, or is it based only on projects that are currently underway? 

The Organizational Development Grant does not support regular projects but focuses exclusively on organizational development. For example: 

• New activities that directly contribute to the development of organizational capacities are eligible. 

• Activities that support capacity building, development of internal systems, Internal policy development, or internal governance improvement. 

4. Can the development of the strategy and work-plan for the period 2025-2027 be envisaged as an activity, for example under the guidance of an external consultant – the rationale for an external consultant is that he/she will see more objectively the connection of the projects with the activities of the organization and the fulfillment of its objectives? 

Yes, it is acceptable to include the development of strategies and work plans as part of the organizational development activities. External consultants can be engaged. 

5. In the case of drafting the organization’s internal policies, will it be possible to engage an external expert to guide the process? 

Yes, this grant supports the engagement of external experts to lead processes related to the development of internal policies. Such activities are part of the eligible interventions to support the governance and internal structures of the organization. 

6. Will applications from new organizations be considered, since the call mentions two points (below) that a new organization registered in 2024 does not meet? 

-The organization’s annual financial statements for the last two (2) years (2022 and 2023): 

-The auditor’s reports for the last two (2) years (2022 and 2023), if the applicant organization is legally obliged to possess the audit report, or if the organization has it regardless of legal obligations). 

Referring to the application guidelines for the Organizational Development Grants scheme, we inform you that financial statements and audit reports are required to be submitted only by those applicants who will be included in the shortlist, after the selection notification. Furthermore, these documents, if not applicable, are not required from newly established organizations. 

7. As a newly established organization (December 2024) with no projects in our portfolio yet, is it too early for us to apply for this grant? 

Yes, even though you are a new organization you are eligible to apply for this call for Organizational Development Grants. 

8. Regarding ineligible costs (VAT for expenses over 200 euros), does this mean that we cannot purchase equipment costing over 200 euros, or that VAT on such expenses must be covered by us? 

If you are a grant beneficiary, then during the implementation of the grant, the maximum amount allowed for cash payments is 200 EUR, while all individual payments (one invoice) exceeding the amount of 200 EUR are exempt from VAT. The grantee must complete the application for VAT exemption in accordance with the relevant form and procedures that will be published on the KCSF website. 

9. Since customs duties are not covered, can you confirm whether transport costs will be eligible? 

According to the application guidelines, customs and import duties are ineligible costs, while transport costs for a specific activity that is justified and described in detail are eligible costs. 


1.Can we apply for the organizational development grant even though we have not yet received the confirmation of the registration from the Department for NGOs?

One of the mandatory documents for this call is NGO registration certificate issued by the Department for NGOs. If you do not have this document before the application deadline, you cannot apply in this call and have to wait until the next call will be open.

2. Where can we find the application form?

All the information, including the necessary documents for the application, can be found on our website.

3. Will an information session be held for this type of grant?

The information session for organizational development grant will be held online on Monday at 10:00 am, 18.01.2021, and, in the meantime, the link to join the session will be available on our website www.kcsfoundation.org and on our page on Facebook https://bit.ly/3sr5fLJ.

4. Does the grant also include the purchase of equipment and staff training?

Yes, the grant may also provide the purchase of equipment and staff training, if it is considered that those type of expenses will help the organizational development and program goals of organization. Your application will be reviewed against the call criteria.

5. As a new organization, can we have your support in preparing the application?

All the necessary information to apply for organizational development grant, including application documents, can be found on our website, at this link: https://bit.ly/38YrQX9. We encourage you to review these documents, follow the application steps in detail and participate in the information session that will be held on Monday, 18.01.2021, at 10:00. The link of the information session will be published on our website and Facebook page.

6. When is the deadline for application?

The deadline for application for organizational development grant is 25.01.2021.

7. As a new organization, established in 2020, are we eligible to apply in this call? If yes, how should we address the request for financial reports for the last two years since we have not yet completed a full year?

Even though you are a new organization, you are eligible to apply. As a organization established recently, you can only send the financial statements for the period since you were established, therefore, the request for financial reports for the last two years does not apply in your case.

8. Does it play a role in the evaluation process if we have implemented only a few voluntary projects, but we did not have the opportunity to be a beneficiary of any grant?

Even though you have not been a beneficiary of any grant, this does not prevent you to apply in this call. Your application will be reviewed against the call criteria according to the application guideline.

9. For the annual financial statements or auditor’s reports, what years are calculated as last two years?

The last two years are calculated 2018 and 2019 as the deadline of the call is late January. But, in case you can submit the documents (auditor reports or financial statements) for 2020, then last two years are calculated as 2019 and 2020.

10. Are we eligible to apply for technical equipment that will directly affect the organizational development?

If you consider that the purchase of equipment will have a direct impact on the organizational development and the reasoning can be presented in the application documents, you can apply for technical equipment. Your application will be reviewed against the set criteria.

11. If we do not have an audit report, because we do not have the financial means to engage a company to audit our organization, does this prevents us from applying?

According to the rules set forth in the application guidelines, the annual financial statements or auditor’s reports for the last two (2) years must be submitted. So, in case you do not have the audit report, then you can submit the financial statements and then your application will be reviewed against the set criteria.

12. Is it allowed to purchase equipment abroad?

If you consider that the purchase of equipment will have a direct impact on the organizational development and the reasoning can be presented in the application documents, you can apply for technical equipment. In this case, you are advised to look the list of ineligible costs (such as Customs, VAT, etc.) for the equipment and software in case they are to be purchased outside Kosovo. Your application will be reviewed against the set criteria.

13. According to the application guidelines, the duration of the project is up to 24 months, what is the issue of duration if we buy equipment; do you monitor the project up to 24 months?

According to the application guidelines, the maximum duration of the grant for which the organization is allowed to apply is 24 months. Therefore, it is not necessary for the grant to last 24 months, yet  it is the  maximum possible duration. It depends on the needs of the organization and how the applicant organization envisages the planning of organizational development. We emphasize that not all expenses and activities should last throughout the entire duration of the grant, whereby this depends on their type.

14. If our aim is to work with women only, are we entitled to apply if we do not meet gender equality?

The EJA Kosovo program aims to ensure that supported interventions take into account the gender aspect, aiming at gender equality and taking care not to contribute to harmful stereotypes. Hence, as long as your work addresses this aspect in line with the aims of EJA Kosovo, you can apply.

15. Are there restrictions for organizations that have KCSF funded projects in applying for this grant?

The only limitation is in the case when organization is a beneficiary of the institutional grant, which by its very nature also contains the organizational development component. In such cases the applicant cannot apply for organizational development grant. There are no other restrictions since other grants are of different nature and there is no overlap of interventions.

16. Where is the statement on politically exposed persons (PEP) located?

This statement can be found on the last page of the application form. There is also an explanation of this statement and the part  which must be filled-in by the applicant organization.

17. Can we include international experts, trainers, or consultants in this call for applications?

Yes, you can plan engagement of international experts or trainers in your application, but this requires clear justification why his/her engagement is necessary to achieve the organizational development aims of the grant.

18. Are we, as the Kosovo Producers Club, representing (manufacturing) businesses, entitled to apply for this grant?

No, organizations representing businesses are not eligible to apply in our calls

19. Can a portion of the funds for organizational development be directed to the arrangement of the organization’s premises (renovation), purchase of necessary technologies (equipment) and the training of staff for co-working (with local and international trainers)?

If organizational development is going to be achieved through these activities and will help achieve the program aim of the organization and if you justify these expenses in the budget, then you can use these funds.

20. If the members of the board of the institute are business representatives, will the structure of the board of directors penalize the institute in this case in applying for your program for organizational development grants?

According to eligibility criteria for EJA Kosovo program, NGOs representing businesses or similar entities for which it is clear that they have the financial capacity to cover the expenses of their organization or support their activities are not targeted by KCSF grants. Consequently, your institute falls into this group.

21. Can organizations without office space apply? If so, how will the “office visit” be carried out?

Regarding the office visit, this means meeting with the organization’s staff about organizational capacity, internal governance, and financial management. The office does not necessarily represent a physical space where the organization operates. As long as the organization has its practices and documents, if it is shortlisted, the meeting and discussion of these points can take place in another suitable space. The lack of office does not hinder organizational capacity building.

22. Can they apply for grants for organizational development, urgent and project grants? Do these grants exclude each other, or can the same organization apply with different content and contexts?

Within the EJA Kosovo program, the instruments are different by nature and do not overlap as applicant address various issues. Consequently, the applicant can apply and submit an application in every call. However, we must emphasize that the organization cannot implement the organizational development grant and the project grant at the same time. Therefore, if the evaluation for all applications is positive, the organization must decide which grant will prioritize for implementation.

23. Are the financial statements of the organization issued by TAK accepted?

The annual financial statements issued by TAK are eligible and supplement item 9 of the mandatory documents in the application guidelines.

24. If the organization does not have an auditor’s report, can the organization apply only with financial statements for the last two years?

As stated already in the guidelines, auditor reports are necessary if the applying organization is required to have an auditor report or if the organization possesses one despite not having an obligation. If the organization does not have such a report and is not required to do so, then the financial statements cover this request.


1. Do you support equipment purchase projects?

Small project grants aim to support specific actions of civil society initiatives and individuals for non-profit initiatives on issues of public importance that address concrete issues, provide concrete results within a set timeframe. All ineligible costs are listed in the Application Guide for Small Project Grants. Equipment are, in principle, not prohibited, but the necessity of their purchase to achieve project results and specific activities must be justified.

2. When is the last date that we can apply as an NGO?

The call for applications for small project grants is open all the time and applications can be submitted at any time. Based on the application guidelines, the evaluation of applications is s carried out each three months,. All the information in relation to the application and the evaluation process can be found on our website, at the following link: https://bit.ly/3oVeQZc.

3. The “Budget for the last 3 years, 2017, 2018, 2019” is stated in the budget form. Is it a problem if we are an organization that was established in 2018?

No, it is not a problem. For those years when the request is not applicable for you, just write N/A (e.g. 2017 = N/A) in that part of the application

4. What is meant by “audit expenses” in the budget form? Is it about budget management expenses that are incurred by the financier, or is it about the engagement of an external auditor after the implementation?

Audit costs areabout the external audit of the project after the implementation, which amount should be calculated depending on the amount of the grant based on the market price.

5. Do the gender mainstreaming guide and citizens’ involvement guide apply to this call and should we decide only in one segment and then stay within the guidelines framework of the selected segment?

The gender mainstreaming guide and the citizen’s involvement guide provide an explanation  how the EJA Kosovo program defines these two topics. These are guiding documents and they apply to all instruments of EJA Kosovo, including small grants, and it is at t applicant’s discretion  to reflect these two aspects in the proposed intervention.

6. What documents should be attached to apply for a project proposal in this call?

All the necessary information and documents for application are published on the KCSF website, at the following link: https://bit.ly/38rCO8X. More specifically, all information can be found in Guidelines for applications, for small project grants, Chapter 4 – Application procedures.

7. Where can we find the application form for small project grants?

All the necessary information and documents for the application are published on the KCSF website, at the following link: https://bit.ly/38rCO8X.

8. Is the age  of target groups defined, meaning that can we have children as target group of our project?

No, the age of target group is not defined. The marginalized groups that should be in the focus of the intervention are listed in the Guidelines for application.

9. Is it necessary to include all marginalized groups mentioned in the Guideline for application?

No, it is not necessary to include in your project all the marginalized groups listed in the guidelines for applications.

10. Are awareness campaigns supported, if they are necessary for the realization of the project andy are only a part of the project activities?

Awareness raising campaigns without proper follow-up activities are not supported. If one of the project activities is an awareness campaign and it is necessary for the realization of the project, then this activity can be supported as a part of the larger intervention.

11. Can we apply in partnership?

Partnerships with other NGOs/unregistered initiatives are allowed. In this case, the lead applicant takes full responsibility for the implementation and management of the project.

12. Regarding the impact of COVID-19 pandemic in project implementation, can we have flexibility in the implementation of activities  that may be forseen to to be implemented in the entire territory of Kosovo, but because of the situation with th pandemic, any change might be needed while implementation?

Your application will be reviewed prior the start of the implementation whereby, together with KCSF, the activity plan and the budget shall be adapted to the epidemiological situation and how it affects the activities. If you will need additional changes and adaptations during the implementation, the flexibility in this regard is possible as the situation in unforeseen and is affecting the whole society, but always in line with the requirements and procedures of the EJA Kosovo program.

13. Are we allowed to apply on two different EJA calls for applications?

Yes. In principle, it is possible because they are separate processes and calls, but always referring to the criteria and requirements explained in the Guidelines for application.

14. Can a researche be supported, if it is necessary for the realization of the project and if they are only a part of the project activities?

Researches and feasibility studies, especially as a means to design the next part of the intervention, in principle, will not be supported. They can be covered in special cases, but only if they are necessary for the realization of the intended objectives of the intervention.

15. Can new organizations apply if they have an annual turnover of less than 25 thousand Euros, even if there is no turnover in the last three years?

Yes. New organizations with an annual turnover of less than 25 thousand Euros can also apply, even if they have not had any turnover in the last three years. If it is an organization that was established in 2020, then it should be written N/A at the budget for 2017, 2018 and 2019.

16. Can individuals apply?

Yes. Individuals (citizens of the Republic of Kosovo) also have the right to apply for this call same as unregistered initiatives (a group of citiziens) and NGOs.


1. Does this call fund individual businesses?

As per guidelines for application for urgent grants, individuals or unregistered initiatives must prove that their engagement is not for profit, more for public benefit and not for private interest. Businesses are not qualified, while NGOs representing businesses or similar entities that it is clear they have the financial capacity to cover the expenses of their organization or maintain their activities are not targeted by KCSF grants.

2. Where can we find guidelines for application for urgent grants?

All information regarding the call for application for urgent grants, including the guidelines for application, can be found on our website.

3. Can organizations from Albania apply in this call or only in cooperation with NGOs from Kosovo?

Based on the guidelines for application, only individuals, unregistered initiatives and organizations active in Kosovo engaged in a non-profit initiatives are eligible to apply in this call (branches of foreign and international NGOs registered in Kosovo are not eligible to apply). The same rules apply to partners.

4. What is the maximum amount we can apply for?

The maximum amount of support within the call for application for urgent grants is 5,000 EUR.

5. What can be the maximum duration of the grant?

The maximum duration of an urgent grant can be 12 months.

6. Can we apply for craftsmanship?

Your application must be in the field of democratization and EJA Kosovo program areas. For more details about EJA Kosovo program and what initiatives are intended to be supported, please see the guidelines for application for urgent grants.

7. Where can I find the application form for urgent grants and what documents should be attached?

All information about the call for application, including the application form along with other documents can be found on our website.

8. Is it necessary to apply in three languages (Albanian, Serbian, English) or only in one of them?

The application can be completed in one of the languages. It is not necessary to submit it in all three languages.

9. Is there any restriction on the issues we can address?

No, there are no restrictions regarding the issues you foresee to address.

10. What do you consider to be an urgent issue in a community?

An urgent issue is considered any issue that requires urgent contribution and reaction and for which there is not enough time to apply and go through other instruments procedures and regular calls such as project grants.

11. How many projects will be supported within this call?

According to the budget we have approved for this year, tentatively around 12 projects will be supported. However, it depends on the number of applications and their quality. The entire available budget will not necessarily be spent.

12. Are existing projects supported within the call?

Existing projects can be supported if they meet all urgent requirements and criteria which are explained in the application guidelines. In addition, the project should contribute to the overall goal and results of the EJA Kosovo program.

13. Is the purchase of equipment that will help the realization of the project allowed?

All ineligible costs are listed in the guidelines for application for urgent grants. In principle, the purchase of equipment is not prohibited. However, the necessity of such purchase must be justified.


1. Does the fact that organizational strategic planning ends in 2021 present a problem?

The organization can apply for an institutional grant and such details should be clarified in the application form and other required documents. Also, according to the rules of the program, institutional grants are reviewed after every one-year period, and in such cases the possibility of adaptation to the circumstances and context is foreseen.

2. Is the maximum budget funded by this call total 40,000 EUR or is it 40,000 EUR per year?

The maximum budget required for funding from this call should not exceed 40,000 EUR/year (including audit). Therefore, if an organization applies for 24 months, maximum budget an applicant can apply for funding is 80,000 EUR, and if applied for 36 months maximum budget is 120,000 EUR.

3. Should only one log-frame be presented or two (one for the organization and one for the grant program)?

Only one log-frame should be presented, the one from the Organization’s strategic document (as per EJA Kosovo model).

4. How detailed should the organizational budget be (is there a need to include all budget lines for all projects)?

The budget should include all projects and should be presented as per EJA Kosovo budget template for Institutional Grants. Budget lines can be presented in cumulative for all projects (i.e. translations, training, etc.)

5. Should all projects be described/detailed in the application and budget or only the ones relevant to this call?

All projects implemented by the applicant organizations must be presented on the application form. Also, the budget of the entire organization for application period must be submitted, with clear indications of those budget lines for which support is requested from EJA Kosovo, as well as specifications and justifications for salaries (as per EJA Kosovo template).

6. If the application is rejected in this round, can we apply with the same one  in next round, or should it be a completely new application one?

Whether the applicant should apply with an updated application or a new one, it’s at organization discretion. It depends on the time and circumstances when the application is submitted. Applications are evaluated within the round in which they are submitted.

7. Can we apply if we only have financial audit report for 2019, and not for 2018?

Based on the call for application for institutional grants, the applicant must submit annual financial statements or auditor’s reports for the last two (2) years, , not necessarily both documents for each year. If an organization has an audit report only for one year, it can submit a financial statement for the next year.

8. Is commitment to pay internship considered a scholarship?

Payment for internship is an acceptable cost.

9. Can we contract companies to organize trainings?

The contracted part should not dominate the grant. Hence, a certain amount can be contracted. However, in general, it is expected activities tobe implemented by the organization that proposes them, especially those activities that are in its area of expertise.

10. Should we refer to the overall goal, expected results and activities in log-frame for the next three years based on the strategy or only for those activities for which  funding is requested?

As to log-frame, you need to refer to the overall goal, expected results, and activities based on the entire strategy of the organization.

11. Are environmental issues supported by this call?

Yes, organizations that deal with environmental issues can also apply. It is important  application is in line with the overall goal and expected results of the EJA Kosovo program.

12. Are children considered marginalized group?

Yes, any marginalized and under-represented group in need to strengthen its influence in the society and improving socio-economic rights are eligible for this call.

13. Is partnership allowed within this call?

No, the call for institutional grants does not support partnerships. Institutional grant is are intended only for the organization that is.

14. Will there be restrictions on organizational budget categories?

Only the category of organizational capacity building (including office equipment costs) should not exceed 15% of the subtotal.

15. Are payments outside Kosovo allowed, for example payments for experts, visits abroad, retreats, membership in networks abroad?

Yes, such payments are allowed but the applicant must ensure that the justification is provided in the designated budget line, specifying the calculation of the expenditures.

16. Can you explain direct costs in more detail?

Direct costs are all direct program costs that do not fall into the category of personnel and administrative costs such as: training, various meetings, research, etc.

17. Can KCSF previous grantees apply in this call?

Beneficiary organizations from other KCSF grant schemes can apply for grants within EJA Kosovo program.

18. Is it necessary to attach the tax certificate together with other application documents?

The tax certificate does not need to be attached. All the necessary documents for application are mentioned in the call for institutional grants, guidelines for application and the application form.

19. What is included in the 15% for organizational capacity building?

This percentage includes capacity building for staff and organization in general, such as: development/improvement of internal work systems, various software, staff training and other activities that are estimated to affect organizational capacity building.

20. Should conferences, meetings and other activities funded by other donors be included in the budget?

Yes, they should be included. Organizational budget is created to show all organizational expenses and financing, regardless of the sources of funding.

21. Can organization apply for Institutional Grant if they have actual project grants financed from SDC or Sida?

Yes, organizations that have actual project grant financed from SDC or SIDA, can apply for Institutional Grant.


1. Within the call, can we foresee opening a website for the publication of all financial statements and other activities? Can the drafting of an advocacy strategy be envisaged as an activity according to the current strategy?

It can be presented if these activities are in line with the organization’s strategy, they contribute to achieving strategic objectives or offer you the opportunity to have better representation as an organization and contribute to increasing the level of transparency.

2. Can branches of an organization apply?

Applicant organizations must meet all the requirements and criteria set out in the call for applications.

3. Should administrative documents be submitted at the time of application with other application documents such as internal financial regulations, HR, etc.?

Apart from the mandatory documents presented in the application guideliness, it is not necessary to deliver other documents.

4. Can the content of the applications/project be in English?

Yes, applications can be submitted in one of three languages: Albanian, English, and Serbian. All templates are on the KCSF website.

5. Should the list of organization members be signed when we submit the application with other documents?

All documents must be submitted as per requirements in the part for mandatory documents, including whether these have to be signed or not.

6. Can we move the margins in the application form and intervene in the forms for writing purposes?

No, you can not intervene in the published format.

7. In the budget, in the part for presentation of program costs and components, how are they supposed to be presented?

The budget should include all organization activities depending on the organization and the projects/programs you have.

8. Are we allowed to foresee additional activities in addition to those planned in the strategy we are currently implementing?

Proposed activities should be in line with the organization’s strategy regardless of whether activities are being implemented or not.

9. Is the application permitted if the organization is registered in Prishtina but has a membership at the level of Kosovo in different cities? In other words, it is an organization that works at the national level?

The EJA Kosovo program supports organizations that operate at both local and central levels.

10. What does civic engagement mean if the organization’s target group or the group with which the organization works is a separate community, for example, blind people?

Engagement of the target group, regardless of which category it belongs to, is expected to be systematic and intentional throughout the organization’s work. For more details, please see the guidelines for applicants: civic engagement.

11. What is the percentage of the budget that can be spent on administrative or staff expenses?

Except for the category for organizational development where the limit is 15%, there is no limit for other categories.

12. Is the drafting of a new strategy foreseen in the framework of this grant if the current strategy is expiring?

In the call for institutional grants, the organization must have the strategic document of the organization which covers all or most of the grant period.

Success Stories

EJA Kosovo
Open Calls
Key Achievements
Frequently Asked Questions
Key Documents