Engagement for Joint Action (EJA Kosovo) is a KCSF program that supports civil society initiatives through grants and capacity building with the overall aim to contribute meaningfully to the democratic and socio-economic development of Kosovo. Designed as a pooled funding mechanism, EJA Kosovo is currently co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Sweden.

Centering citizen engagement and participation in the work of civil society, EJA Kosovo aims to contribute toward two main objectives (a) Increasing civic engagement in public life through participatory advocacy of civil society and (b) Enabling CSOs to strengthen their constituency relations and improve their organizational capacities.

EJA Kosovo is based on the premise that through tailor-made systems of inclusiveness, transparency and accountability on the one hand, and better access and communication with the community, on the other hand, CSOs by involving citizens in their work, can build a stronger and more engaged base of support. This strengthens their constituency and allows them to better represent the needs and concerns of the community. Together, with improved internal governance, transparency, and citizen engagement it will contribute to increased public trust in CSOs. Citizens come to see them as a legitimate and effective platform for raising concerns and advocating for change.

Institutional grants are designed to support the implementation of organizational strategies while simultaneously strengthening internal capacities, enabling organizations to represent citizen interests in their respective thematic areas. These grants provide financial support to organizations recognized as change agents, allowing them to respond promptly to significant societal developments within their fields of expertise. Furthermore, institutional grants offer the flexibility to address issues as they arise. Within the Institutional Grant, up to 15% of the total proposed budget may be allocated for organizational development.


Domestic Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) registered in Kosovo.


Organizations are eligible to apply for funding for a period of 36 months. The maximum budget requested for funding from this call for one grant should not exceed EUR 40,000/year.


Applicants must submit their completed applications through Only applications that fully comply with the call requirements as outlined in the application guidelines and the application form will be considered.

The application deadline is 15/07/2024 at 23:59hrs local time.

If you have any questions regarding application preparation or details about the grant application, please contact us via email at