Beyond the support, KCSF’s capacity—building schemes enabled us to consolidate our organization and gave us skills that were much needed in that phase. We positioned the Network of Cultural Organizations (RrOK) as a counterpart of local and central institutions and drafted the municipal Strategy for Culture 2017—2020. This laid the foundations for the later coordination of the Management Plan of the Historic Center of Prizren by RrOK, firmly establishing it as a key actor in policy—making and democratic processes around culture and heritage Now it’s 2018 and we have a program and a space visited by over 25,000 people, available to more than 60 nonprofits. The cinema is becoming a public property again and we are counting down to its full revitalization set for next year. I’m so happy to look back and see how the trust that KCSF put in us helped our survival and allowed us to play our part in strengthening the scene and initiatives around spaces and cultural networks.

-Ares Shporta
Executive Director of the Lumbardhi Foundation