Through the Democracy Award, granted annually, EJA Kosovo recognizes outstanding contributions to the development of democracy in Kosovo and highlights exemplary cases and models to be emulated. The Democracy Award celebrates the achievements of individuals, unregistered initiatives, and non-governmental organizations in various fields, reflecting community mobilization, citizen engagement, innovative ideas, intellectual courage, or significant accomplishments that have advanced the democratization of Kosovan society through their work and dedication.

The Democracy Award also aims to bring public and decision-maker attention to underrepresented topics, issues, or groups in public life and institutional decision-making by showcasing concrete examples of exemplary civic engagement.

Nominations will be evaluated by the Grants Evaluation Team based on the following criteria:
– The design and implementation of a successful initiative (approach, activity, project, etc.) promoting and developing democracy in Kosovo during 2024.
– The level of underrepresentation of the topic, issue, or citizen group addressed by the initiative.
– The actual or anticipated impact of the initiative, including its potential for scalability/ replication and its innovation.
– The courage demonstrated by the organization, unregistered initiative, or individual through the respective initiative.
– The direct involvement of citizens in the initiative or the significant contribution of citizen participation to public life and/or policymaking.

We invite you to nominate your candidates for the 2024 Democracy Award by February 14, 2025, at 11:59 PM.

For detailed information about the nomination criteria and to download the nomination form, visit the KCSF website at or contact us at