KCSF launches the second phase of the EJA Kosovo Program and honored Kosovare Sadiku with the Democracy Award 2023 

Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) held today the Launching ceremony of the second phase of the EJA Kosovo Program as well as the conferral of the Democracy Award 2023. 

In the presence of representatives of civil society, local and international institutions, the diplomatic corps in Kosovo, partners and collaborators, the continuation of cooperation in support of civil society in Kosovo was marked. 

The second phase of the EJA Kosovo program continues to be co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Sweden and includes around 200 grants in a total amount of about 2.5 million euros for the next 5 years, as support for non-governmental organizations, unregistered initiatives and individuals committed to fostering a more inclusive and democratic society. 

On this occasion, Executive director of KCSF, Mr. Taulant Hoxha,  emphasized that EJA Kosovo, during the first phase that started in 2019, has allocated more than 2.3 million euros through 98 grants of different amounts and interventions, through which it has involved directly over 30,000 citizens of Kosovo, has addressed over 850 issues of interest to them, achieved changes in dozens of different sectors, in all regions of Kosovo. 

“Since the first phase of the EJA Kosovo program began in 2019, the world has changed a lot. But the need for citizens to be constantly attentive, informed and committed to the neighborhood, the village, the city, the country and even the planet has remained unchanged, as the only way for even the most serious problems to be dealt with and overcome. As a program focused on the inclusion of citizens, EJA Kosovo will continue to support civil society organizations, initiatives and individuals in their work to become the voice of the citizens of Kosovo, even during the next five years”, Hoxha added. 

While H.E. Ambassador Jürg Sprecher, Ambassador of Switzerland in Kosovo affirmed that “Democracy is more than a system of governance; it is a profound expression of human dignity, giving everyone a voice. That is why supporting Kosovo in strengthening its democracy has been a key element of Switzerland’s engagement in the country from the very beginning”. 

While H.E. Ambassador Jonas Westerlund, Ambassador of Sweden in Kosovo, stated that “Equality, prosperity, well-being, and quality of life for all citizens are crucial in the society and for Kosovo’s EU-accession. Sweden supports actors from the civil society in Kosovo as they are needed for democratic development. The EJA-grants are a good example of how many different contributions to society can pave the way for development.”  

Kosovare Sadiku, laureate of the 2023 Democracy Award  

KCSF awarded the Democracy Award 2023 to civil society activist Mrs. Kosovare Sadiku, who has worked on expanding opportunities for the acceptance and integration of children with disabilities as equals with their peers through the creation of inclusive public spaces. Sadiku together with her collages, during 2023, for the first time in Prishtina build playgrounds accessible for children with disabilities. 

Mrs. Sadiku emphasized that public spaces are the core of the community, the place where people gather, unite and build connections. Eliminating barriers in public spaces and creating inclusive cities is said to guarantee that every member of the community, especially marginalized groups, have equal access and opportunities to contribute to common social and communal life.  

“An active community is essential for the development of a fair and democratic society, where each individual has his voice and role in decision-making processes. This constitutes the core of our commitment and the reason why the YARL organization and the Festival of Architecture exist. Therefore, I naturally call on all of you to continue to support such initiatives and to engage in activities that develop democracy and enable civic involvement”, she added further. 

Democracy Award is a traditional award that recognizes the extraordinary contributions of activists and organizations for the development of democracy in Kosovo and to promote them as models to be followed in the development of democracy in the country. 

Democracy Award is intended to evaluate the contributions of individuals, unregistered initiatives and nongovernmental organisations in various fields, which are the result of community mobilization and citizens engagement, new ideas, intellectual courage or achievements and who have contributed to the democratization of Kosovar society through their work and dedication. 

Engagement for Joint Action (EJA Kosovo) is a KCSF program that supports civil society initiatives through grants and capacity building with the overall aim to contribute meaningfully to the democratic and socio-economic development of Kosovo. Designed as a pooled funding mechanism, EJA Kosovo is currently co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Sweden. 

Centering citizen engagement and participation in the work of civil society, EJA Kosovo aims to contribute towards two main objectives (a) Increasing civic engagement in public life through participatory advocacy of civil society and (b) Enabling CSOs to strengthen their constituency relations and improve their organizational capacities.