Each year KCSF follows the assessment of European Commission on civil society, while at regular basis officially contributes in preparation of the EC Progress Reports for Kosovo. KCSF contribution for the EC Progress Report for Kosovo 2014 has addressed the most important issues which had an influence on civil society development in Kosovo, for the period October 2013 – July 2014.

In the EC Progress Report for Kosovo 2014, published on 8th of October 2014, EC emphasis the need for empowering civil society and recognition by the Kosovo institutions of the crucial role of this sector in a democratic system.

While mentioning the improvement of relations of the Assembly of Kosovo with civil society and participation of civil society in the National Council on European Integration, the Progress Report states the weak capacities of Government to implement the Government strategy for cooperation with civil society 2013-2017.

An important part of assessment related to civil society is dedicated to the problems in public consultation process at government level. Public consultation continue to be ad-hoc and unsatisfactory. When Government involves civil society in legislative process, it does this at the end of the process rather than at its beginning. Furthermore, civil society does not systematically receive feedback on its recommendations.

Among others, the Progress Report raises the concern on the provisions of the Law against money laundering and financing of terrorism which restrict NGOs to receive or disburse funds, with particular concern on the need to request dispensation and lack of criteria on this dispensation.

For more, read the Progress Report section on civil society, page 12.

The latest KCSF written contribution for the EC Progress Report for Kosovo 2014, submitted on 15th of August 2014, can be downloaded here.