Filloreta Bytyçi’s background is Law and she holds an MA on Contemporary European Studies from Sussex University (UK). She has extensive experience working for various donor projects in the areas of community development, civil society, media and public administration. Since 2004, as a consultant, she supports policy development and planning reforms at the Government of Kosovo. Currently she is the Deputy Team Leader/Policy Development Specialist for the Sida funded project to support Capacity Development in the Field of Policy Development and Coordination in Kosovo, providing advice and support to the Government Coordination Secretariat staff in the Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo and to the line ministries, to continuously increase their capacity for policy development and coordination. Her professional background lies considerably also in the area of media. She was media law adviser for the USAID/REX Independent Media Development Program on matters related to media law and media regulations. In addition, she acted as an advisor to the two local media and journalists’ associations. She was twice nominated and appointed by the Assembly as the member of the Council of the Independent Media Commission of Kosovo.
She also contributed to the development of several studies: OECD/SIGMA Regional Comparative Study on Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA), Swiss Intercooperation Kosovo Feasibility Study on Municipal Capacity Development System for Kosovo, Sida Study Outlining Possible Areas and Issues for Support to
Public Administration in Albania and Kosovo 2014-2020,Sida Study Assessment of Options for Continued Swedish Support to a Pluralistic Civil Society in Serbia, Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina and GIZ Diagnostic report on the areas of policy coordination, strategic planning, legislation, management of European Integration and implementation of functional reviews in the Government of Kosovo.