Violeta Hyseni Kelmendi is an expert in media and public communication with over 20 years of professional experience in the field. She worked as a journalist for more than 10 years, primarily as a correspondent for the BBC from Kosovo, reporting on current issues in the country. Since 2011, she has worked with international donor organizations and projects (EU, Sida, GIZ, USAID, SDC, etc.), supporting the work of central and local government. For four years (2017-2021), she served as a member of the Independent Media Commission, also acting as the vice-chair of this institution during the first two years of her term. She has also been active in civil society, providing professional support, including capacity-building training, mentoring, and grant proposal evaluations. Violeta has extensive experience with communication projects and strategies for public diplomacy and stakeholder management. She possesses strong knowledge of project management cycles and has deep insights into the socio-political context in Kosovo and the democratization process. Her native language is Albanian, she is fluent in English and Serbian, and proficient in Turkish. She is a mother of two children.